Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year to all. Hope 2012 will bring you lots of joy, great health and good food.

What do you plan to eat more in 2012? I suggest putting your focus on whole, real foods instead of seeking out the next big superfood or eating diet.

IN: Real Butter. OUT: Margarine.

IN: Whole eggs, cage free. OUT: Egg Whites.

IN: Grass-fed meats. OUT: Processed soy protein.

IN: Sea salt. OUT: Low sodium.

IN: Healthy Fats. OUT: Fat free.

IN: Farmstead cheese. OUT: Processed factory cheese.

IN: The Family Dinner. OUT: Activities trumping meal time.

IN: Fresh produce. OUT: Excessive supplements.

IN: Portion Control. OUT: Elimination Diets.

Just some food for thought. I know that I really want to change my habits and those of my family. So begins the change....How about you?